
Successful project completion: here comes the brake of the autonomous future!

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) subsidised the development of a modular braking system for autonomous driving level 3 to level 5.

The future belongs to autonomous driving and the innovative braking system from LSP is ideally suited to this emerging mobility trend. This means that the system itself must be able to guarantee the braking function in the event of a fault.

The project objective was successfully achieved: to design a complete braking system and carry out the necessary pre-development tests to validate the concept.

A key idea is the innovative installation and control of the ball seat valves in the system, which makes it possible to save one valve per brake caliper. This has a positive effect on the package, costs and weight in the target vehicle.

The development of future-proof brake systems is a cornerstone of LSP GmbH. We are proud of the latest funding project and look to the future with optimism that many more innovations can be put into practice.

Last but not least, we would like to thank the funding agencies for their objective and critical, but always benevolent support of our project.

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