Brake expert to celebrate its 25th anniversary - LSP Innovative Automotive Systems GmbH
The development company from Munich is looking back with joy and wonder at all its milestones achieved over the last quarter of a century. Join us on a journey through time encompassing the most valuable innovations and developments of the last 25 years.
LSP Innovative Automotive Systems GmbH has been a manufacturer of sustainable and efficient braking systems since 1998. Starting with the first in-house development, the innovative valve control system (IVC), further future-proof innovations were to follow. From the very beginning, LSP has attached great importance to resource conservation and environmental awareness.
Even though the IVC, which was developed in 1998, did not go into series production, it served as a tool for combustion engine research and to optimize emissions for our customers for over 20 years. Seven years after the company was founded, LSP laid the foundation for new development concepts and fundamentally shifted the innovation focus. Since then, LSP has been regarded as an expert in revolutionary braking systems in the market.
Through cooperation with various partners, including Thyssenkrupp Presta, Rimac Automobili, BWI Group and IGCV, the company has been able to implement a large number of innovation projects in recent years. Renowned flagships are the IBSe motorsport systems and the X-Boost Technology®. Earlier this year saw the creation of the marketable iDBC2, a 2-box-braking system for ADAS Level 3 and higher, in cooperation with the BWI Group.
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