LSP Patents
- E95DE-SA
- DE102006038446B4
- Dual clutch transmission with gear actuators with 1 or 2 piston-cylinder units as pressure actuators, driven via BLDC motor and non-hydraulic transmission device
- E95DE-TA1
- DE102006063073
- Dual clutch transmission with 1 piston-cylinder unit as pressure actuator, driven via BLDC motor and non-hydraulic transmission device
- E95DE-TA2
- DE102006063077
- Dual clutch transmission with 2 piston-cylinder units as pressure actuator, driven via BLDC motor and non-hydraulic transmission device
- N10WO
- WO2018046144A1
- Electrohydraulic system for actuating multiple-disc clutches and gear actuators with highly precise control of a plurality of transmission units simultaneously
- N10US
- US20190242445A1
- Electrohydraulic system for actuating multiple-disc clutches and gear actuators with highly precise control of a plurality of transmission units simultaneously
- N3US
- US20190219154A1
- Electrohydraulic system for the actuation of a clutch/clutches and gear selector/selectors of manual gearboxes
- N3WO
- WO2018046146A1
- Electrohydraulic system for the actuation of a clutch/clutches and gear selector/selectors of manual gearboxes
- N9US
- US20190195350A1
- Electrohydraulic system for operating clutch(ES) and gear selector(s) of manual gearboxes having a piston-cylinder unit with dual-action reciprocating piston
- N9WO
- WO2018046145A1
- Electrohydraulic system for operating clutch(ES) and gear selector(s) of manual gearboxes having a piston-cylinder unit with dual-action reciprocating piston
Brake by Wire
- E87DE-SA
- DE102005018649B4
- Pressure control using motor current, piston position and adaptive characteristic map
- E87DE-TA1
- DE102005063659B3
- Current proportional pressure control
- E87DE-TA4
- DE102005063691B1
- Brake system with electric motor driven piston-cylinder system (mother patent)
- E88EP
- EP1922799B1
- Brushless DC motor with double air gap (DAG-motor)
- E90DE-SA
- DE102005055751B4
- Pressure control using motor current, piston position and pressure-volume characteristic map
- E90DE-TA1
- DE102005063658B3
- Pressure modulator control
- E90EP
- EP1874602B1
- Sequential Multiplex pressure control
- E102EP
- EP2396202B1
- Simultaneious and partially simultaneious Multiplex pressure control
- E107EP
- EP2225132B1
- Replenishment by means of retraction of the piston-cylinder unit
- E112DE-SA
- DE112009004636B4
- Basics of differential postion control of a follow-up brake booster
- E112DE-TA1
- DE112009005536B3
- Use of angular rotor sensor for differential position control of a follow-up brake booster
- E112DE-TA2
- DE112009005541B3
- ABS function implemented in follow-up booster
- E117DE-SA
- DE102009043484B4
- Recuperation of a brake system for hybrid vehicles with follow-up brake booster
- E120DE
- DE102010022493B4
- Safety function Autonomous driving in the event of brake booster malfunction (blocking gear)
- E120EP
- EP2731836B1
- Safety function Autonomous driving in the event of brake booster malfunction (general)
- E120US
- US9278679B2
- Safety function Autonomous driving in the event of brake booster malfunction (blocking gear)